Spam Analysis

This service analyses sets of email file in .eml format to identify the unsolicited ones (SPAM). Moreover, the service divides the spam email in the following classes:

  • Advertisement: Unsolicited advertisement e-mails, designed to advertise a product without the recipient consent to receive advertisement e-mails.
  • Portal: Malicious e-mails that redirect the reader toward a set of intermediate steps to an advertisement portal web page. These pages advertise several products from different categories, making difficult to identify who is behind the spam email.
  • Malware: The email carries a malicious attachment (malware), aimed at infecting the recipient device.
  • Phishing: The email attempts to convince the recipient to reveal the credentials for one or more services that he accesses (bank, social network, etc.).
  • Confidential Trick: Fraud email aimed at pushing the recipient in paying money to the attacker.
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CONFIDENTIAL PHISHING MALWARE 01-04-201901-02-202001,0002,00002,251



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