The Cyber Security observatory of the Cnr Institute of Informatics and Telematics was created with the aim of informing and to raise awareness in small and medium-sized enterprises, professionals and the public on the importance of information security.
Identifying levels of vulnerability, threat characteristics, studying, refining and implementing techniques and methodologies of network, systems and information security in order to increase the reliability and resilience of the systems are just some of the activities of the Cyber Security Laboratory of Iit-Cnr that contains within it the skills and projects that embrace the various areas of research on the topic.
The observatory makes available to all interested parties the skills and the result of the Laboratory activities through the publication of constantly updated information, documents and services useful for knowing, understanding and reacting to cyber security threats.
The observatory is funded by the CNR, the European Commission, the, the Tuscany Region and other entities. The observatory is open to contributions from anyone who wishes to contribute to its objectives.