Tweets analysis
This service shows statistics related to Tweets related to Cyber-Security, allowing to search them by keywords such as... |
Spam email detection
This service analyses sets of email file in .eml format to identify the unsolicited ones (SPAM). Moreover, the service... |
3D maps attack
The service shows a 3D representation of network traffic related to attacks on a honeypot in Pisa. In addition, the... |
The service aims at offering a representation of the Cybersecurity domain through the creation of a controlled... |
Vulnerability report
This service offers the possibility of searching public domain information related to known security hardware and... |
An onthology represents an important resource for the organisation of a domain's knowledge in a more detailed way by... |
Ransomware detection
This service identifies typical ransomware behaviours such as file ciphering. Differently from signature-based anti-... |
Vulnerability scan
The service offers a platform that allows Registrars to check for any performance and security problems present on... |
GDPR tools
The service offers a survey to check the compliance of an organization with the GDPR (General Data Protection... |
Exploit analysis
This service collects data related to public available exploits. The database is updated daily through the official... |
Self assessment tools
The main goal of the tool is to provide a simple and quick tool for cyber risk self-assessment. The tool requires two... |
DGA detection
The service analyzes a DNS request log and detects if there are domain names which can be generated by a Domain... |
The service detects malicious signatures in analysed files, by scanning it with 57 different commercial anti-malware.... |